Sixth Form.

Putting out into the deep.


Saint Peter’s College offers a highly personalised Sixth Form experience. Our pupils have worked incredibly hard throughout their academic life so far and this step into a pre-University setting is designed to prepare them for life beyond school; academically, spiritually and personally. In terms of Faith, as well as personally, at this level in the College they are expected to take on more responsibility and to set a positive example to the younger pupils, mentoring, encouraging and supporting our community.

The House system plays an important role, giving pupils direct responsibility for setting the tone of our College; leading sports, participating in termly debates, directing the schola, organising the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary etc. In this way, we underpin the certainty that Catholic identity should be embraced as an ordinary part of their lives. The subtle changes in relationships between pupils and staff, differentiation of uniform and approach to self-directed study all play a part in this.

Pupils are carefully supported by the Chaplain, Academic Master, Senior Tutor and teachers. At A-Level, pupils are expected to work beyond the classroom and prepare for lessons with advanced reading, completing extra-curricular tasks and contributing to seminar-like sessions which demonstrate their knowledge and engagement with the topics over and above the course textbooks.

Preparation for life after Saint Peter’s starts in Apologetics and all of our pupils are taught to become more self-reliant, proactive and to plan for their future.

